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        2. Hello! Welcome to Xiangyang Yude Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Official website!Chinese | English
          current location:homepage>News center >Company news
          1. Characteristics of intelligent robot blank coder

            High level of automation and intelligence of full-automatic blank coder: the electric control system is controlled by PLC, the robot blank coder is convenient for manufacturers to use and maintain.

          2. The development and progress of brick factory is inseparable from the blank coder

            The full-automatic blank coder and the red brick robot blank coder are the special settings and equipment deployment of sintered brick: shale brick blank, porous brick blank and other blank coders.

          3. How to choose automatic blank coder and robot

            How to choose automatic code blank machine and robot? Yude intelligent technology, the manufacturer of automatic code blank machine, will explain it to you., The automatic blank coding machine adopts multiple fixtures.
