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          How to prolong the service life of brick electric packer

          source:English website Release time:2022/3/8 16:15:13
          Red brick packer has high requirements in the industrial product packaging industry. Brick packaging has high labor intensity and complex environment. The use of brick factory electric packer also needs to be carefully selected. Now, the Xiaobian of Yude, a full-automatic brick packer and a red brick packer manufacturer, summarizes three tips for prolonging the service life of the brick packer.

          1. The performance of packer is dominant

          There are various models of electric packers in brick factories. If you want the packers to be suitable for brick factories and have a long service life, it must be inappropriate to choose manual packers or pneumatic packers. Manual packers and pneumatic packers are inconvenient to use and inefficient, and will eventually be eliminated in brick factories.

          2. Wear resistance, fall resistance and reasonable use

          The above small series recommend wear-resistant and fall resistant brick packing tools for you according to the complex environment of the brick factory, but the operators should also pay attention to the taboos of the packer in the process of use. It must not be empty. It is forbidden to use it for a long time without removing the battery. Domestic packers can not work for a long time in the process of use, which has a great loss on the machine.

          3. Repair and maintenance to prolong service life

          The hand-held electric packer in the brick factory shall minimize violent operation during use. In case of serious dust in the brick factory, the dust inside the machine shall be treated to avoid damaging the machine parts. It shall be sent back for maintenance regularly or when it is not used for a long time, and the packer shall be handled in time in case of failure.
