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        2. Hello! Welcome to Xiangyang Yude Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Official website!Chinese | English
          Code blank series
          current location:homepage>Product Center > Code blank series
          • Splitting machine
          • 圖片描述

            Splitting machine

            Product use:According to the requirements of drying and baking D, the gap of the cutting surface of the brick can be separated to realize a more reasonable way to code the brick.

            Consult immediately

            Product introduction

            Product use:
            According to the requirements of drying and baking D, the gap of the cutting surface of the brick can be separated to realize a more reasonable way to code the brick.

            Product features:
            It is suitable for hollow bricks without turning blank and need to be erected;
            Simple operation, compact structure and space saving;
            Small load and low energy consumption.
            Previous: Nipper Next: 90 degree tipper