1. <sup id="kvlwi"></sup>
      <tt id="kvlwi"><strike id="kvlwi"><code id="kvlwi"></code></strike></tt>

        1. <menuitem id="kvlwi"><option id="kvlwi"></option></menuitem>

          <sup id="kvlwi"><center id="kvlwi"><samp id="kvlwi"></samp></center></sup>

        2. Hello! Welcome to Xiangyang Yude Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd Official website!Chinese | English
          Code blank series
          current location:homepage>Product Center > Code blank series
          • Robot coder
          • 圖片描述

            Robot coder

            Product features:The body adopts the original imported brand, and the corresponding model of robot is selected according to the code form; According to the design, the robot travel cycle is 12-20 seconds;

            Consult immediately

            Product introduction

            Product features:
            The body adopts the original imported brand, and the corresponding model of robot is selected according to the code form;
            According to the design, the robot travel cycle is 12-20 seconds;
            The maintenance-free time of the ontology is 6000 hours, greatly reducing the maintenance cost;
            Robot blanks are suitable for various types of bricks and kilns.
